Enhancing Healthcare Workplace Safety with RedSOS
The Challenge in Healthcare Environments

Hospitals and healthcare facilities are among the most critical yet unexpectedly hazardous workplaces. In 2019, U.S. hospitals saw 221,400 work-related injuries and illnesses—a rate significantly higher than the private industry average. These figures highlight the pressing need for comprehensive safety measures in healthcare settings. Healthcare workers, including those in hospitals, nursing homes, and similar environments, face considerable risks. Factors such as direct contact with potentially violent or unstable individuals, physical strain from patient handling, and exposure to infectious diseases and harmful chemicals contribute to the high incidence of workplace injuries and illnesses.

The Prevalence of Workplace Violence

Workplace violence is a growing concern in healthcare, with incidents occurring at a rate four times greater than in private industry on average. The impact of such violence is profound, affecting not only the physical but also the emotional well-being of healthcare workers, and by extension, patient care quality.

Understanding the Financial and Human Cost

The economic toll of workplace injuries in healthcare is staggering, with workers' compensation losses totaling $2 billion annually for hospitals alone. Beyond financial losses, the physical and psychological strain on healthcare workers compromises patient care and contributes to a cycle of injury, stress, and decreased morale.

A Proactive Approach to Safety

Implementing safety and health management systems and enhancing safe patient handling programs are among the most effective strategies to mitigate these risks. Such systems are designed to proactively identify and address workplace hazards, reducing injury rates, and improving both worker and patient safety.

How RedSOS Can Help

RedSOS introduces a pivotal solution to healthcare workplace safety challenges. Offering 24/7 protection, RedSOS enables healthcare workers to instantly alert emergency response teams with a simple tap, without the need for a call or text. This immediate connectivity can dramatically reduce response times by up to 40%, ensuring quick assistance in critical situations.

Key Benefits of RedSOS in Healthcare Settings:

  1. Immediate Response: RedSOS's monitoring teams are prepared to act the moment an SOS is activated, providing fast assistance to healthcare workers in distress.
  2. Enhanced Communication: Workers can share their live GPS location with up to 25 individuals, including security teams and personal contacts, ensuring they are never alone in emergency situations.
  3. Employer Oversight: Healthcare facilities can monitor worker safety through smart check-in data, SOS activations, and other metrics, facilitating a rapid response to any incident.
  4. Administrative Efficiency: RedSOS's dedicated portal enables the quick generation of safety reports, aiding in compliance with OSHA regulations and reducing administrative burdens.


As healthcare facilities continue to navigate the complexities of workplace safety, adopting advanced solutions like RedSOS can make a significant difference in protecting healthcare workers. By integrating RedSOS into their safety protocols, hospitals can ensure a safer environment for both employees and patients, ultimately enhancing the quality of care and reducing the financial and human costs of workplace injuries and violence.

5-Min Sign-Up, One-Tap Activation

  1. Stay safe with RedSOS
  2. Personal safety & Medical emergencies
  3. Auto share GPS location with first responder
  4. Smart check-Ins with trusted contacts
  5. Share your Live location with contacts in Non-emergency

Dedicated Customer Portal One-Stop-Shop for Safety Analytics & Reporting